The Charm

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  1. THE CHARM - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in the book, "Anita'" by Keith Roberts, published by Owlswick Press, 1990

    Dinosaurs! A science fiction illustrator can learn something about almost everything because SF is about everything. It all depends on how much "research" an illustrator is willing to do to get the information needed to do a proper job on an illustration. For this drawing I decided I would browse the internet and get some info on dinosaurs just to focus my mind on the subject. Here are the notes I took during that browse:

    The name, "dinosaur" means, "Most fearsome Lizard". They were reptiles who laid eggs. Some were carnivores who ate meat but most were herbivores who ate plants.

    About 230 million years ago dinosaurs ruled the earth, they lived all over the place, mostly on open plains, in forests, and in swamps. Some were as tall as a five-story building, others as small as a duck.

    About 65 million years ago it is believed that a huge meteor struck the earth causing enormous clouds of dust to block the sun's rays so that for several years the earth remained in darkness and low temperatures. Huge tidal waves flooded the low-lands, while acid-rain fell.

    While small animals were able to find shelter and enough food to survive, the larger dinosaurs could not, they died out. But while they were here they lasted for about 160 million years.

    We "Homo Sapiens" have only been around for about 200,000 years. Can you imagine us lasting 160 million years more? I can't, not on this earth.

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